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IIT Madras WhatsApp Groups

Join our IIT Madras WhatsApp group for lively discussions, collaboration, and support on graded assignments and essential study notes. Connect with fellow students to exchange insights, clarify doubts, and enhance your understanding. Dive into focused conversations that revolve around meeting academic challenges head-on. Elevate your learning experience by sharing resources and knowledge within this engaging community. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to excel together with like-minded peers in tackling graded assignments and mastering course materials.

Stay Informed: Join Any One Main WhatsApp Group

“Welcome to our central updates hub!  Main Groups

Discover the links to our main groups, where you’ll receive all notifications and stay up-to-date with the latest news. Whether it’s important graded assignment updates or the latest course-related information, these groups have you covered. Join any of them to ensure you never miss a beat in your journey towards success. Stay connected, informed, and ahead of the curve by being a part of our dynamic community!”

                                                                                        -Muskan Kumari

Foundation WhatsApp Groups

Link Of Foundations Whatsapp Groups Of IIT Madras !             

Explore our subject-wise foundation WhatsApp groups designed to keep you in the loop. Stay ahead with the latest updates, from graded assignment news to course-related updates and qualifiers information. Your pathway to success begins with these specialized groups. Choose the subjects that matter to you and join the conversation. Don’t miss out – be part of the informed, engaged community driving towards excellence!”

Diploma WhatsApp Groups

Unlock the diploma journey

like never before! Navigate through our subject-wise diploma WhatsApp groups, your gateway to staying updated. From vital graded assignment news to course-related updates and noteworthy MAD, JAVA, and MLP projects, these groups are your go-to source for comprehensive information. Take charge of your academic experience by joining any of these specialized groups. Stay informed, engaged, and connected as you journey towards excellence in your diploma studies!”

State wise WhatsApp Groups

Discover the ultimate network of learning State Wise Whatsapp Groups !

state-wise WhatsApp groups, each dedicated to subjects that matter most. Get ready for a comprehensive experience with updates on graded assignments, course-related news, and exciting projects like MAD, JAVA, and MLP. No matter your qualifier or degree level, these groups offer a unified platform to stay informed. Choose any group that aligns with your goals and dive into a vibrant community of learners. Elevate your academic journey, one state-wise subject group at a time!

Submit Your WhatsApp Group Link