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English Week 4 Graded Assignments IIT Madras


English week 4 graded assignment Complete  Solutions Are Discussed In This Blog We Hope This Might Help You All In Matching Answers . Or For Some Others Reasons Not Able To Complete Graded Assignments 

1 So far as the ultimate goal is concerned I think none of us need have any apprehensions None of us need have any doubt

So far/ as the ultimate goal is concerned/ I think none of us/ need have any apprehensions//None of us need have/ any doubt//

So far as the/ ultimate goal/ is concerned/ I think none of us need/ have any apprehensions None/ of us need have any doubt//

So far/ as the ultimate/ goal is concerned/ I think none of us/ need have any apprehensions// None of us need/ have any doubt//



2-Our difficulty is how to make the heterogeneous mass that we have today take a decision in common and march in a cooperative way on that road which is bound to lead us to unity

Our difficulty/ is how to make the/ heterogeneous mass that/ we have today take/ a decision in common/ and march/ in a cooperative way on that road which is/ bound to lead us to unity//

Our difficulty is/ how to make/ the heterogeneous mass/ that we have today/ take a decision/ in common/ and march in a cooperative way/ on that road/ which is bound to lead us to unity//

Our difficulty is/ how to/ make the heterogeneous mass/ that/ we have today/ take a decision/ in common and/ march in a cooperative way on that road/ which is bound to lead us to unity//



3-Our difficulty is not with regard to the ultimate our difficulty is with regard to the beginning

Our difficulty/ is not/ with regard to the ultimate/ our difficulty/ is with regard to the beginning//

Our difficulty is/ not with regard to/ the ultimate our difficulty/ is with regard to the beginning//

Our difficulty is not with regard to the ultimate/ our difficulty is with regard to the beginning//



4-Mr. Chairman therefore I should have thought that in order to make a start in order to induce every party every section in this country it would be the act of greatest statesmanship for the majority party even to make a concession to the prejudices of people who are not prepared to march together and it is for that that I propose to make this appeal

Mr. Chairman/ therefore I should have thought that/ in order to make/ a start in order to induce/ every party every section/ in this country it would be/ the act of greatest statesmanship for the majority party/ even to make a concession/ to the prejudices of people who are not prepared to march together and it is for that that I propose to make this appeal//

Mr. Chairman therefore/ I should have thought/ that in order to make a start/ in order to induce/ every/ party/ every section/ in this country/ it would be the act of greatest statesmanship/ for the majority party/ even to make a concession to the prejudices/ of people who are not prepared to march together/ and it is for that/ that I propose to make this appeal//

Mr. Chairman therefore/ I should have thought that/ in order to make a start/ in order to induce/ every party/ every section/ in this country/ it would be the act of greatest statesmanship/ for the majority party/ even to make a concession to the prejudices/ of people who are not prepared to march together and/ it is for that that I propose to make this appeal//



5-Let us leave aside slogans let us leave aside words which frighten people

Let us leave/ aside slogans/ let us leave/ aside words which frighten people//

Let us leave aside slogans/ let us leave/ aside words which frighten people//

Let us leave aside slogans/ let us leave aside words which frighten people//



6-Mark the appropriate response.
 Deepthi is not here. Could you please ______.

Speak up

Hang up

Hang on

Ring her later



7-When someone says “Your voice is echoing” it becomes evident the voice is resurfacing and hence the tele-conversation is not clear.





8-The phrase ‘speak up’ means to tone down the voice.





9-Geetha, while speaking to Mary (on the phone) hears vibrating noise. Choose the best appropriate sentence that Geeta should use to convey the problem.

Your voice is echoing.

Your voice is jarring.

You have to speak up.

You are not audible.



10-The phrase ‘pick up’ (in the context of a telephonic conversation) means to answer the call.


